PHP Training
Online Website Designers provides PHP course in Delhi, giving real-time training from beginner to
advanced level programs with project-based training. The PHP course syllabus is hand-crafted by
industry experts, and we adhere to the syllabus with latest technologies based on current industry
demands across various disciplines. We provide in-depth training on PHP right from the fundamentals, enabling our candidates to design and create the database-driven, ‘dynamic web applications’.
PHP Course Syllabus
- Installing Webserver
- Changing default Server configuraiton
- Changing default PHP configuration
- Changing default Mysql configuration
- Why PHP
- Usage of PHP
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Data Types
- Variable
- Constant
- String usage
- Heredoc syntax
- String functions
- Delimiters
- Metacharacters
- Quantifiers
- Matching and Extracting Strings
- Indexed Array
- Associative array
- Multidimensional array
- Array functions (sorting, in_array)
- Merging array
- Split array
- Array differencce
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical (or Relational) Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Conditional (or ternary) Operators
- Using if…else statement
- Using elseif statement
- Using switch statement
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Do-while Loop
- Foreach Loop
- Usage of Break and Continue
- Iterate an array with all loops
- Populating array of data in select dropdown
- Calculate the sum and maximum number of array
- Printing Multidimensional array of user data in table
- Built-in Functions
- User – Defined Functions
- Returning Values
- Default Values to parameters
- Scope of the variables in PHP
- Pass By Value vs Reference
- Dynamic Function Calls
- Conditional functions
- Functions within functions
- Anonymous functions
- Using date and time function
- Using implode / explode
- Swapping Two variables using references
- Factorial recursion program
- Creating Files, Directories
- File Modes
- Reading, Writing to Files
- Closing, Deleting Files
- Checking if File Exists
- File Operations
- Upload a csv file and parse it and display in table
- Bulk directory Creation
- Website Counter – Each visitor increments the counter written to a file.Show the counter in table cells
- Program to store contact form collected information in csv file
- REQUEST method
- Forms and action
- Multi Input Fields
- Error handling mechanisms
- Handling File Uploads
- Include / Require
- Redirection
- $_GET , $_POST and $_REQUEST for two forms sent using GET and POST
- Calculator program to add two input box and show the value in third box
- Upload a file and move the file by renaming it using uniqid to create dynamic unique files
- Check if the uploaded image file is within size limit and extensions
- Program to login admin user with username admin and password redhat
- Create a Photogallery where photos are uploaded to selected albums and link to albums
- Setting Cookies with PHP
- Accessing Cookies with PHP
- Deleting Cookie with PHP
- Create a cookie which expires in 10 seconds
- Language Preference – Storing user selected langugage preference in cookie
- To Implement Remember Password
- Server Session Storage
- Setting and Reading Session Data
- Shopping Cart – Storing an array of product ids in cart
- Authenticate pages with login using session
- Introduction to javascript
- Introduction to jQuery ( javascript library )
- Basic DOM handling with jQuery
- AJAX concept
- Implementing AJAX with jQuery
- JSON handling with jQuery
- Form Validation
- Using third party library
- Understanding Object-Oriented Programming
- Understanding Objects and Classes
- Structuring Classes
- Defining Class Properties
- Defining Class Methods
- Magic Methods in OOP
- Using Constructors and Destructors
- Using Class Inheritance
- Visibility of Properties and Methods (Public, Private Protected, Static)
- Object-Oriented vs Procedural Code
- Simple Multilevel Inheritance
- Method Overloading and Overriding (Polymorphism)
- Exception Handling with Try Catch and Finally
- Design Simple class to show understood concepts of OOPs.
- Interfaces and Abstract Class
- Namespaces
- Lazy Loading
- Send email using mail() function
- Send email using SMTP
- Collecting form data and send in email
- Sending file Attachments
- Introduction to MySQL
- Getting started with PHPMyAdmin Panel
- MySQLi Library
- Connecting to Database in PHP
- Basic CRUD with database
- Database – OOPS way
- Program
- Inserting the value of form to table
- Reading the created / inserted value in list
- Reading the value individually
- Update / Editing the item
- Delete the value
- Inner, Outer Joins
- Image GD / Imagick Extensions
- Upload image and resize / thumbnail
- Adding Text on Images
- Applying Watermark to Images
- Creating PDF from html
- What is API
- Paypal Payment Gateway Integration
- Facebook API Integration
- MVC Concept
- MVC in PHP
- What is Yii / Cakephp / Codeigniter
- Admin panel – Login, Add / Edit/ Delete
- Display data in front end
- Uploading local application to live server
- Handling Cpanel
- Handling Filezilla